Tuesday, October 14, 2008


With Da Cool Guy swilo swa ku tsokotsa in his lovely blog it seems like the future is absolutely bright for the boy as he loves his duty. Can you believe that if it wasn't for his love of the beautiful game he would have not been doing the course that he is doing now. Da Cool Guy rocks the world of sports when it comes to his knowledge of these games. He enjoys sports if I may to put it bluntly.
He makes it a norm that he cherish every moment of his life by reading books that he has a great enjoyment for. He is not the only son of Mr Dzimba (his dad) who loves the sports games. Apparently Sipho's home is a sports fans home. Despite of his great love of soccer his younger brothers cherish every moment when they are on the road.
Basically they are the best athletes in their province of birth Mpumalanga. Sipho is such a friendly and a down to earth guy. He doesn't like to talk as he believes that talking too much sometimes can lead to hatred or to lack of good solutions on any specific problem related matters. As he is affectionately known by his surname he now calls himself Dzimbalicious.
The man who is affectionately known as Dzimbalicious by many of his friends has a love of his family as he believe that if it wasn't for the support that they gave him at during his early days he would didn't been where he is now.
With the love of sports Dzimbalitious appeal to all sports lovers and the people of the country to be together to make South Africa be a better country. This is the statement that he like so much:

"South Africans let us stand together and cherish every moment of our lives in the sports fields and in every corner of the country by championing sports".

Heitha, Holla bafuethu!!!
facebook Page: Sports Alert

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